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Dubai population explosion down to expats

Published:  17 Aug at 6 PM
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Already one of the world’s fastest growing conurbations, Dubai’s population is expected to double by 2027.

Researchers at UAE University have released the results of a study claiming the population of Dubai will double over the next 10 years, with the soaring numbers due to an ever-increasing number of expatriates. Expats have already been implicated in the 1,000 per cent growth in the emirate’s total population over the past 40 years.

According to Dr Fayez Elessawy, leader of the research team, the study also revealed Dubai’s rapid transformation as regards the numbers of non-national residents from 1975’s total of 132,371 to the present day’s 2.1 million. The growth rate during the 10 years from 2005 to 2015 has been calculated at 6.5 per cent, with projected numbers for 2027 reaching some five million. At the same time, the emirati population has declined due to its growth rate of 26.2 per 1,000 persons in 1985 falling to just 12.1 per 1,000 in 2015.

Elessawy’s take on the figures states this decline is proof the massive increase in the emirate’s population is solely down to the flow of immigration. Elessawy praised the Dubai government for its successful planning strategies in handling rapid population growth but added that, should total numbers breach the 5 million mark, the city would face many new challenges. He also pointed out that infrastructure and transport developments had resulted in the city coping well with the vastly increased numbers, as well as eliminating many problems for the indigenous population.

Dubai, he added, is still growing due to the number of expats choosing the emirate as the best place to build their futures. Over the past 40 years, the developed areas of the city have grown from some 54 sq.kms in 1975 to a massive 977 sq.kms in 2015. The influx of expats over the past 10 years has also benefited the northern emirates of Ajman and Sharjah, as many expat incomers have chosen to live outside Dubai itself and commute to work.
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