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Survey suggests relocating overseas boosts expats health

Published:  15 Nov at 6 PM
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A recent survey indicates that the majority of expats believe relocating overseas has had a positive effect on their physical and mental health.

The survey, commissioned by global health insurance company AXA, suggests the majority of expats believe their move away from their home country has improved their general levels of health. Over 60 per cent of respondents said their physical health was better than before the move, with 64 per cent stating their mental health had improved since relocation.

Over half of those surveyed said their main motivation for the move was a search for adventure, with many adding they’d always dreamed of living overseas. Those who’d followed their dreams were happy they’d taken the plunge, but others said complications with work, housing and childrens’ schooling had prevented them from leaving.

Those who’d emigrated noted that the stress of the move had been worsened by the unfamiliar language and culture once they’d arrived in their new country. Culture shock was common, and the lack of familiar faces, friends and people to talk to had, albeit temporarily, affected their lives and those of their families and spouses.

Experts are advising those wishing to become expats to research every aspect of their destination countries before they leave home. It’s easy, they say, to be caught up in the adventure of relocating without considering the differences and diversities of the new country.

One positive point as regards health improvements is that many destination countries experience far better weather than in the home country, increasing opportunities for outdoor exercise and a more active life. Other points to consider include finding social and expat clubs where new friends can be made and investigating facilities such as healthcare, schools and local transport. Once you’ve arrived and are making your new situation work, the sense of achievement you’ll feel will give a boost to your health.
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