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UAE plans easing of decoration rules for expat convicts

Published:  15 Nov at 6 PM
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Tagged: Dubai, UAE
Expats convicted of criminal offences in the United Arab Emirates will find deportation less of a strain as the UAE is considering easing the rules

.A press report last Monday indicated that the emirate’s judicial officials are considering easing the deportation rules in line with the serving of justice and global developments.Jamal Hussein al Sumati, Dubai’s judicial institute director, told reporters that the suggested amendments involve penal code articles relating to the deportation of expats convicted for certain crimes.

He mentioned crimes of honour, normally settled out of court but still requiring deportation, as an issue to be considered. The new regulations are expected to be in force by the first quarter of 2013.

Police records show that over 5,000 expat workers were convicted of criminal activities and deported over the last six years. Almost 80 per cent of the 8 million people resident in the United Arab Emirates are expats, arriving mostly from other Arab states and Asia.
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