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Dubai-based expatriate eco-warrior lives life without plastic
Published: | 14 Dec at 6 PM |
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Tagged: Dubai, Working Abroad
Expat eco-warrior Nila lives in Dubai and is getting by very well without using plastic or any of its derivatives.
Nila is committed to proving plastic isn’t necessary for life a we know it, and she’s a magnificent example of the way to lead a totally sustainable lifestyle in the midst of Dubai’s luxurious ambience. As a child living in Africa, she was taught by her Peace Corps father never to waste anything and to always respect the environment, and she sticks by her convictions to this day. She told the media she’d been surrounded by starving people during her childhood, and wasting water and food was a sin in her family.
These days, she says, it’s far more complicated to live an eco-friendly life, even although far more damage has now been done to our fragile environment by man. She adds that, as a result, those who care must do far more to help the struggling planet. There’s plenty that can be done simply by limiting the amount of plastic in everyday life by means of rejecting products containing harsh chemicals or those stored in bottles made of plastic. If Nila can’t find what she needs in the stores, she simply makes her own version using eco-friendly ingredients such as charcoal for toothpaste and kitchen cleaner made from apple cider vinegar, water and tea tree oil.
The majority of expats living and working overseas are now aware of the danger to the planet’s ecology of the unending amounts of plastic littering the environment and leaching toxic chemicals as they very slowly decompose, thus resulting in consequences which may be even more devastating than global warming. For Nila, changing her lifestyle in order to do her tiny best to help the planet wasn’t easy, but due to her upbringing she at least realised the necessity of taking a stand against the devastation of the earth. The fact that she’s doing it in the heart of a land given over to conspicuous consumption at a high level gives an example to be admired and hopefully followed.
Nila is committed to proving plastic isn’t necessary for life a we know it, and she’s a magnificent example of the way to lead a totally sustainable lifestyle in the midst of Dubai’s luxurious ambience. As a child living in Africa, she was taught by her Peace Corps father never to waste anything and to always respect the environment, and she sticks by her convictions to this day. She told the media she’d been surrounded by starving people during her childhood, and wasting water and food was a sin in her family.
These days, she says, it’s far more complicated to live an eco-friendly life, even although far more damage has now been done to our fragile environment by man. She adds that, as a result, those who care must do far more to help the struggling planet. There’s plenty that can be done simply by limiting the amount of plastic in everyday life by means of rejecting products containing harsh chemicals or those stored in bottles made of plastic. If Nila can’t find what she needs in the stores, she simply makes her own version using eco-friendly ingredients such as charcoal for toothpaste and kitchen cleaner made from apple cider vinegar, water and tea tree oil.
The majority of expats living and working overseas are now aware of the danger to the planet’s ecology of the unending amounts of plastic littering the environment and leaching toxic chemicals as they very slowly decompose, thus resulting in consequences which may be even more devastating than global warming. For Nila, changing her lifestyle in order to do her tiny best to help the planet wasn’t easy, but due to her upbringing she at least realised the necessity of taking a stand against the devastation of the earth. The fact that she’s doing it in the heart of a land given over to conspicuous consumption at a high level gives an example to be admired and hopefully followed.
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