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Kuwait reverses repeal of vehicle impounding for driving offences

Published:  14 Dec at 6 PM
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Kuwait’s Ministry of the Interior has reversed its recent decision to repeal a new law which impounds the cars of drivers committing motoring offences.

When the penalty was originally introduced, it drew strong protests from both the National Assembly and motorists, causing it to be rescinded shortly after it was brought in. However, the ministry has abruptly reversed its decision, with many motorists believing its action is down to revenge on the initial citizen and expat protestors. Sources report Kuwait’s traffic police are now under stern orders to record traffic light violations as well as drivers exceeding the speed limit.

The impounding of drivers’ vehicles is now taking place again, focusing on the use of mobile phones whilst driving as well as ignoring the mandatory seatbelt requirement. It’s expected to apply to all violations of the traffic laws, whether minor or major. Violators will be forced to meet up with officials and will be given two alternatives, either the car or the offender’s driving license will be 'locked’ for one month.

Violations such as speeding, previously considered normal, will now have the law applied, and payment of fines will not ‘unlock’ either the car or driving license until the month’s suspension is over. According to sources, police officers have also been given verbal instructions to be strict with expats committing any motoring offences, with automatic impounding for a month of either the vehicle or its owner’s driving license. It’s believed there are also plans to introduce a points system for driving offences, resulting in deportation for expats who repeatedly commit serious violations.

Meanwhile, some 60 per cent of professionals working in the Gulf States are being denied salary increases as the jobs market contracts. According to recruitment companies, a reduced demand for specific talent and an increase on potential applicants has shifted the power balance towards employers. A number of companies are instigating cuts in worker numbers, although the majority say they are still hiring.
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