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UAE expats enjoy Christmas with all the usual homestyle treats

Published:  13 Dec at 6 PM
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Whilst expats the world over look forward to Christmas as a time to relax and have fun with friends, those lucky enough to live the UAE can source all the usual Christmas treats right on their doorsteps.

Entrepreneurs in the Emirates are now setting up shop to make and deliver traditional festive foods using recipes from Scotland, the UK and other European countries. The expat daily, Gulf News, has printed a list of Christmas delicacies and where to get them, thus solving many expat dilemmas about spending the holiday away from home.

For example, Swiss chocolate is an all-time favourite for presents as well as providing sheer indulgence at Christmastime. Swiss chocolatier Daniel Hutmacher has set up locally and offers everything from mini-chocolate Santas, chocolate Christmas trees and festive marzipan figures to a range of delicious, boxed, seasonal chocolates.

Cheese lovers need feel deprived no longer, as the festive cheeseboard can now feature artisan and goats’ cheese plus Italian favourites such as burrata, scamorza and ricotta as well as mozzarella. Cheesy and sweet biscuits are now being made to order and delivered fresh for the occasion, and local markets are the place to meet up with an expat seller of traditional Scottish biscuits.

Another enterprising expat baker is offering home-made mincemeat, mince pies, gingerbread loaves, Christmas puddings, biscuits and peppermint angels. The only information that wasn’t in the list was where to find a turkey, its trimmings and a selection of stuffings.
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