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Expats in Qatar mark 100 days illegal blockade

Published:  13 Sep at 6 PM
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Tagged: USA, Citizenship, Jobs
Expatriates living and working in Qatar have marked the 100th day since its illegal blockade by praising the emirate’s safety, security and leadership.

It seems the Arab States’ diplomatic blockade of Qatar has had the opposite effect to its intended crushing of the small state. Just 100 days after the crisis began, expats and citizens alike are banding together to congratulate its leadership on their management of what could have easily become a disaster.

Many believe the siege has been turned into a blessing in disguise, uniting everyone behind the leaderships’ efforts to mitigate the effects of the blockade. Expats are still arriving to take up jobs in the emirate, there are no shortages of necessities and a new sense of nationalism has risen, encompassing every individual no matter where they were born.

One long-term Doha resident told local media he’d lived in the city for 19 years, his children were born there and the entire family regards it as their hometown. He added the family and everyone he knows are living a secure, safe and normal life in spite of attempts by other Arab states to destroy Qatar.

To celebrate the achievements of the last 100 days, two expats climbed to the peak of soaring Mount Elbus and hoisted the Qatar flag in defiance of the blockade and as proof all Qatar residents were unaffected by the crisis. One said he’d been raised in the emirate and had taken on the climb to show his gratitude to the Qatari community at large.

The manager of a large construction-related company told the press he’d been able to source all the supplies he needs to keep his customers happy, adding he’d had the government’s full support and aid. He praised the government’s diplomatic actions, adding they’d shown the false accusations were all fabrications.
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