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Oman searching for expat professionals with experience in GCC countries

Published:  13 Jul at 6 PM
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Tagged: UAE, Jobs
Expats with Middle East experience and knowledge are invited to apply for positions in Oman.

Omani recruiters are seeking expat professionals for a wide range of jobs, but are specifying a knowledge of the Middle East and experience in working in GCC countries. Around 40 per cent of jobs on offer are available to expats who’ve already worked in the GCC, as companies believe they have a better understanding of the market and will not leave due to cultural pressures before their contracts are ended.

The high costs of bringing in professionals from Western countries with no experience of working in Oman is deterring many companies from going ahead with recruitment, as many inexperienced workers change their minds about staying until the end of their contracts. At the present time, a good number of expatriate employees are leaving the emirate due to its ongoing Omanization policy, with some staying in the region and taking on positions in the UAE.

However, the Omani Sultanate’s development projects have created rewarding jobs for overseas experts with experience of working in the region. This reality contradicts the common belief that expats are no longer wanted and are being replaced by local workers. One recruitment company explains that it’s a question of readiness, as there’s little time allowed for outsiders unused to the way the GCC works to get up to speed.

Immediate results are the order of the day, requiring workers who know their way around different cultural practices. Awareness of local laws and cultural norms are essentials appreciated by employers, as those without previous experience can take a long time to adjust.

Many would-be employees are unfamiliar with rules such as the No Objection Certificate law, which states those who leave their job need to request the document from their employer to avoid being banned from the country for two years. Omani employers require stability from their expat workers in order to help the country’s drive towards diversification away from oil revenues, with those able to speak Arabic given preference.
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