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Survey shows a lack of expat confidence in overseas healthcare

Published:  12 Jun at 6 PM
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A recent survey has revealed over 70 per cent of male expat respondents are concerned over the quality of healthcare in their present countries of residence.

The survey, unsurprisingly undertaken by an international private health insurance company, also showed some 65 per cent of men would rather return to their home country for medical procedures than risk something going wrong in their present locations. Major worries were the quality of medical care in overseas facilities and the high cost, with being away from their families in the home country whilst undergoing treatment yet another cause for concern, as was the requirement to pay upfront for treatment.

Another point of major concern was the necessity of arranging treatment for serious conditions using a foreign language, with many believing medical professionals in their country of residence were uninteresting in learning, English, even although it’s regarded as the international medical language. The results of the survey varied according to the locations of those who took part, with 94 per cent of Hong Kong expats stating their concerns about the low standards of local healthcare.

Well over three-quarters of expats in the UAE had the same concerns as against 76 per cent in France, 64 per cent in Britain and 65 per cent in Canada. As regards UAE healthcare in general, three quarters of male expats in the emirates would return home for treatment, compared with 42 per cent in Canada, 55 per cent living in Britain and 49 per cent working in Hong Kong. According to the authors of the survey, concern over the quality of overseas healthcare is normal, especially if there’s a language problem.
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