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Expat and British top talent leaving the UK in droves due to Brexit concerns

Published:  11 Dec at 6 PM
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In spite of May’s rights guarantee to EU expats in the UK, record numbers are exiting Britain due to the continuing uncertainty.

Expat workers in the UK are giving up on hoping for a miracle and voting with their feet by quitting their jobs and leaving. Many came to the UK hoping to settle down and progress in their careers, but are now giving up and finding uses for their talents in companies based outside the UK. Net immigration to the UK is now at its lowest ever point, and sterling is continuing to fall, even whilst Theresa May was seeking to reassure much-needed professionals they’d be safe in the UK even after a no-deal exit scenario.

The expat exodus is taking place all across the UK, and isn’t confined to those in lower-scale jobs, as qualified and experienced expat professionals simply don’t want to get caught up in the insecurity and unending paperwork necessary to be able to stay in the UK. Net outflows of expat talent are now the norm across the country and are taking place in almost every sector including science, education, medicine, banking and IT. London is still losing its qualified, experienced expats and the drain is worse still Wales, the North, North West and the North-East.

Interest from Europeans seeking work in the UK has been in decline since late in 2015, especially in the construction and healthcare sectors, and is expected to get worse as talented foreigners decide to avoid the UK when seeking career opportunities. Sadly, it’s not just European top talent fleeing the UK before Brexit kicks in, as British scientists and researchers are relocating to Europe or America due tp the reality of the Brexit effect on their careers. Cancer research is losing experts due to worries over necessary chemicals, and specialists in many fields fear the UK will be unable to participate in research programmes.
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