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Saudi to dump all expat public service workers and dentists

Published:  10 May at 6 PM
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Tagged: Australia, Jobs
A meeting between the Saudi Ministry of Civil Service and representatives of other organisations saw a request that all expats be removed from government departments and ministries by 2020.

According to the Kingdom’s Ministry of Civil Service, there were 70,000 expats working within the public sector at the end of 2016, resulting in deputy minister Abdullah al-Meifi telling the assembly there will be no expat employees within the public service network by the end of the next three years. The meeting itself focused on the progress of the Saudization plan, with speakers stressing the need for all government departments to focus on the National Transformation Programme 2020 and the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

At the meeting were senior ministry officials, human resources experts working within various ministries, heads of departments and representatives from the kingdom’s universities, all of whom participated in the ‘Job Nationalisation’ workshop once the meeting had ended. After a report on the current progress of Saudization, a presentation concerning the correct procedures for job nationalisation during the given time was viewed. Difficulties arising from the nationalising of government jobs were discussed, and opinions given by attendees representing various ministries and departments were noted.

Meanwhile, another meeting held in Riyadh between the Ministry of Labour and Social Development and the Ministry of Health announced a joint decision that the hiring of foreign dentists was to be stopped in order to give more opportunities to Saudi dental practitioners. Officials revealed there are 26 dental colleges in the Kingdom, with around 3,000 graduates gaining qualifications every year and needing jobs within the Saudi health sector.

At the same time, members of the Shoura Council are aiming to provide solid arguments for an order allowing women to drive in the Kingdom. The council, it seems, is postponing the discussion in order to consider an upcoming report by the Interior Ministry before a decision is made. No new date for resuming the discussion has been given, but it is expected to be scheduled before the start of Ramadan on 27 May. Attempts by female Shoura Council members to legitimise women drivers have been ongoing for several years, but have been blocked so far via political manoeuvring by male members.
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