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Manila ranked 136th out of 230 for expat quality of living

Published:  9 Jun at 9 AM
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The Philippines capital Manila is the 136th most livable city in the world for expats, according to the 2015 Quality of Living Rankings, which featured a total of 230 cities.

The rankings, compiled by US global human resource consulting company Mercer, listed the Austrian capital Vienna as number one, with Switzerland’s Zurich and New Zealand’s Auckland taking up the nest two spots respectively.

Meanwhile, most cities in the same region as Manila came above it, with Singapore in 26th place, Tokyo in 44th, Hong Kong in 70th and Seoul in 72nd. Jakarta, in 140th place, finished below the Philippines capital.

The Quality of Living Ranking is linked to the Quality of Living survey that looks at living conditions in the world’s major cities in order to help multinational companies and employers make sure they can offer the best packages for employees sent on international assignments.

Among the factors taken into account are sanitation standards, climate and disease, as well as physical remoteness and ease of communication. The survey also looks at the political and social environment, crime that could pose inconvenience, political violence and potential danger to international employees.

European cities dominated the list, with 14 in the top 21, while Australia, Canada and New Zealand also performed well. Baghdad came bottom of the list.
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