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Foreign recruitment firm plans cashing in on expat jobs for top professionals

Published:  8 Nov at 6 PM
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A European recruitment company is boasting it has a list of 10,000 British employees suitable as candidates for relocation to the EU after Brexit.

Expat Exit, a job consultancy firm based in Europe, claims it has a huge database of top professionals suitable for relocation to employment opportunities elsewhere in Europe once Britain finally leaves the EU. In an interview on the BBC’s Radio 4 ‘s ‘Brexit – A Guide for the Perplexed’ programme, Expat Exit’s CEO Marcin Czyza explained his plan involving 'stealing' thousands of well-paid positions across the 27 EU member states and offering them to suitable would-be expat professionals.

He believes a huge number of candidates for his services will want to have better career opportunities than in post-Brexit Britain, and will at least feel wanted in their new countries. Czyza boasted about the numbers of professionals already listed, adding that most are top talents who include heads of departments in financial firms headquartered in London’s City district. He admits he’s cashing in on the needs of EU-based companies eager to hire disenchanted British talent.

Companies in Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, Estonia and Cyprus, he claims, are all willing to hire candidates through ExpatExit, adding he’s busy signing recruitment contracts with these firms. Warnings from the Bank of England over the post-Brexit loss of some 10,000 jobs in the City of London starting on day one after Brexit seems to fit in with Czyza’s strategy, as do forecasts by the bank’s Deputy Governor of 75,000 long-term job losses. Both estimates seem to be in line with last year’s similar claims by leading global management consultancy firm Oliver Wyman.

‘Shall I stay or shall I go?’ is likely to be the all-embracing question for 2018, especially for top performers in the City and leading UK-based international companies. With Theresa May’s popularity now at the all-time low of 26 per cent and a total lack of any suitable replacements, the Brexit negotiations are beginning to look like a poorly-rated TV sitcom. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that support for a hard Brexit or even for Brexit itself in any form is beginning to waver, but the 66 per cent who disapprove of the government’s handling of the negotiations don’t as yet have any solutions to offer.
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