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Expats in Dubai reject exaggerated media accusations of danger

Published:  8 Jan at 6 PM
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Tagged: USA, Dubai, UAE, Travel Abroad
Expats living and working in Dubai are encouraging incomers to ignore exaggerated reports by international media over the urgent need to leave.

Long-term expats in the UAE believe the doom and gloom media reports concerning the likelihood of regional conflict are exaggerating the situation. Many are claiming the favourite expat professional destination is still safe for foreigners and that there’s no need to pack up and leave, with some blaming the British press for publishing misconceptions about Dubai.

One Briton who’s lived and worked in Dubai for five years told local media he’s always felt far safer in the emirate than in his former London home, adding the mega-city is peaceful and secure for all its foreign residents as their safety is of paramount importance. Another expat from the USA said those reading about the present situation in the Gulf States shouldn’t believe all that’s written as she’s never felt at risk in any way since she arrived with her children.

Another British expat who’s lived in the city for nine years said he loves the secure environment, although he’s aware the Middle East is regarded as volatile by those back in the home country. For a number of years, the UAE has been rated as one of the safest destinations for expats and their families, with a survey published last November placing the emirate at second safest in the world. It’s also ranked as the best destination in Africa as well as in the Middle East, and is visited annually by 21 million tourists and business travellers.
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