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UAE: Indian and Pakistani expats make up a third of population in 3 emirates

Published:  7 Aug at 12 PM
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Tagged: India, Dubai, UAE, Money, Euro
Expats from Indian and Pakistan make up 37 per cent of the total population in the emirates of Dubai, Ajman and Sharjah, according to the latest statistics from market intelligence company Euromonitor International.

With the combined populations of the three emirates, Indians make up 25 per cent, Pakistanis 12 per cent, Emiratis nine per cent, Bangladeshis seven per cent and Filipinos five per cent.

Euromonitor International research manager Nikola Kosutic noted that the high number of expats from India and Pakistan could be attributed to the deep cultural, political and economic ties between the two countries and the UAE.

He explained that it was relatively easy for nationals of the two countries to find employment, particularly low-paid work, in the UAE, which had facilitated the movement of people to the Gulf state.

He went on to say that there was also the geographical factor given that the South Asian nations were relatively close to the UAE, as well as the fact that many expatriate workers already knew someone in the country which facilitated with the translation.

Kosutic noted that many people from India and Pakistan already spoke English which, being the de-facto language in the UAE, made the transition period even easier. He added that sending money back to their families was “cheap and convenient” too.
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