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Recruitment firm offers free flights back home to Irish expats in Oz

Published:  6 Nov at 6 PM
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Tagged: Australia, Ireland, Jobs
In an attempt to persuade Irish expats living and working in Australia to return home, FRS Recruitment is offering free flights for those filling job vacancies.

The company is putting on roadshows in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne between November 8 and 13, offering practical advice as well as logistics and job details including salaries. Job sectors in focus will include IT, healthcare, finance, construction, and pharmaceuticals, all of which are suffering from skills shortages causing difficulty in filling open positions with suitably qualified personnel. As a result, Irish companies are being forced to search worldwide to find suitable candidates for essential roles.

The targeted professionals are younger expats who left Ireland to take on jobs in Australia during the recession, especially those experienced in healthcare, IT and the construction sector. Attendees at the roadshows will be given a range of information on repatriating to the Emerald Isle, insights into the current state of the jobs market, details of salaries and perks and practical advice on the paperwork and logistics involved in a move. All those who agree to return and successfully secure a position will get a free flight from Australia to Ireland.

According to FRS Recruitment’s general manager Colin Donnery, companies all across Ireland are now searching worldwide for candidates for important corporate roles. It’s not, he adds, just about getting bums on seats, it’s about choosing the right applicants which meet employers’ needs. Many fully qualified and experienced staff left Ireland during the recession as opportunities had dried up, with a good number heading for Australia and carving out strong careers as a result. Donnery believes a significant number are harbouring hopes of returning home, saying there are now significant opportunities back in Ireland for those with relevant skill sets.
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