India introduces five year multi entry visas for expats in UAE

Published:  6 Mar at 6 PM
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According to the Indian Ambassador to the UAE, both expats and residents in the emirates will be ‘issued as routine' with five-year multi-entry business visas by Indian missions located in the UAE.

The announcement of the new visas was made by Indian ambassador Navdeep Singh Suri during a media discussion held at Dubai’s Indian consulate. Suri said the new visas will become the norm for genuine Emirati and expat business applicants, adding the introduction of five-year multi-entry tourist visas would follow over the next few months.

Practically speaking, he said, all expats and residents in GCC states will be eligible to apply for the new visas, although it’s down to Indian consulates in the other five GCC countries as to when they will be able to issue the documents. The cost of the new visas is expected to be around 1,500 dirhams, according to a consular official.

In a follow-up to last week’s article concerning Kuwait’s termination of 800 expat teachers’ contracts, the emirate’s Ministry of Education’s Human Resources Director has strongly denied the reports. According to Soud al Jowaisri in a statement to a German news agency, the only expats who will be affected are those teaching computer science at a basic level, as the course itself has been deleted from the official curriculum. Al Jowaisri added contracts of teachers in the fields of social studies, science and Islamic studies will not be affected, nor will those teaching computer science at higher levels.

Meanwhile in Bahrain, expat drivers are in the firing line for a new tax aimed at creating extra revenue as well as reducing road congestion. Bahraini MP Jala Kadhim has submitted a proposal to the emirate’s parliament as a solution to the kingdom’s traffic issues. This is the second time Kadhim has submitted the suggestion for discussion, with the first being in 2015. The current version includes fees for expat drivers as well as 100 per cent increases in the cost of vehicle registration, driving licenses and driving lessons.
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