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Brit expats in UAE give their reactions to London terror attack

Published:  5 Jun at 6 PM
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Tagged: UK, Dubai, UAE, England
British expats living and working in the United Arab Emirates are shocked, angry and dismayed after last weekend’s Islamist terror attack in London.

Many of the UAE’s large expat community are British and are reacting strongly to last weekend’s terrorist attack which killed seven people and injured dozens. The general feeling is that the three men who went on the rampage in central London are not Muslims – they are simply terrorists acting against the strict Moslem tenet of not killing innocent people. One Londoner who arrived in Dubai last year told local press his heart was broken, adding the perpetrators’ act did not represent Islam in any way.

Jane Brown, a Briton living and working in Abu Dhabi, was born and raised in London. She expressed her horror and shock at the attack, saying the British capital represents the values she was brought up with and the ideals she believes in. No brutal attack, she added, will ever make her lose that belief, and the terrorists will never break the spirit of London and its free, democratic people. She’s worried for her friends and family who live in the capital, urging them to stay strong no matter what and saying terrorists have no religion and will not win.

British lawyer Karen Rappak, a Dubai resident and a Londoner, said she felt a pain in her heart when she saw the news about the attack. She feels sad for her city and for the innocents who were undeserving of the terrorists’ violence and hate, but believes all Britons and especially Londoners must not let the dreadful event affect them in any way. The way forward, she said, is to fight the cowards responsible for such attacks, letting them know they cannot, ever, break the spirits of those they target.

UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar Gargash tweeted enough was enough, adding the key was the link between terrorist action and extremist ideology. The UAE Embassy in the UK is advising Emiratis to take care in public areas.

Source: The National UAE
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