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Saudi Arabia: Firms that deny expats medical insurance will not be granted visas

Published:  4 Dec at 2 PM
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Saudi Arabian companies that refuse to pay for the health insurance of their employees and their families will not be granted recruitment visas, the secretary-general of the Health Insurance Council has revealed.

Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Sharief said that the regulations in the Gulf nation state that an employer is obliged to pay for the insurance premium of its expatriate employees and their families. He warned that if they refuse to do this and are found out, they will be made to pay every installment as well as a fine for each worker.

Al-Sharief went on to say that the employer would also have any further applications to recruit foreign personnel either permanently or temporarily denied because of the insurance regulations. He revealed, however, that there were currently more than 10 million foreign workers insured at 29 different insurance companies across Saudi Arabia.

In related news, a system has been designed to link the National Information Center, the Alam Company for Information and the Passport Department in order to transfer the relevant data between the insurance firms and the related departments. Furthermore, the Passport Department has said that it would suspend the registration of the primary worker in any expatriate family until each dependent has acquired the relevant insurance.
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