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When to fly home and when not to

Published:  4 Sep at 6 PM
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Emigrating may be one of the most exciting experiences in your life, but it brings its own dilemmas if you’ve family, friends, business interests or investments in your home country.

Everyone who leaves their country of origin, either temporarily for reasons of work, for retirement, or a better, perhaps warmer, lifestyle, leaves aspects of their lives they know they’re going to miss. There’s always the temptation to pop back for a visit to family or friends, or to see places you never had time to visit, but the dilemma arrives when there’s a real reason to return rather than just a feeling of nostalgia.

The trick, however, is knowing whether your return is truly necessary. When you receive the sad news that a close family member has died, your first reaction is to book a flight, even if you can’t really afford it. Returning for the funeral will help your grieving process and comfort other family members.

Family weddings are another valid reason to max the card and go home, thus keeping you in the loving loop provided by family members. If you’re seriously ill and your adopted country’s medical services can’t cope, going home is a must for most expats, especially when they have worldwide health insurance.

Needing a break from your adopted country isn’t the same as a severe attack of homesickness, and can be relieved by a less expensive long weekend somewhere you’ve never been before. If you’re an absentee landlord with tenant problems, professionals can deal with them, making your return a waste of money and time.

Many expats say it would take a natural disaster to get them home but, seeing your neighbours coping as best they can should toughen you up and remove the temptation of immediate departure to a safer haven. Wherever you are, it’s now your home and your decision to stay or go.
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