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Qatar offers expats residence status to encourage them to stay

Published:  4 Aug at 6 PM
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As the diplomatic and trade blackout of Qatar continues, so does growing concern about its effect on the large number of expat professionals working in the emirate.

Foreigners in Qatar account for a huge 88 per cent of the emirate’s entire population, but the continuing dispute between the UAE and the tiny country is causing concern that many may choose to leave. The recent offer to expat professionals of perks formerly reserved for Emiratis is being seen by local media as being a bribe to encourage essential employees to stay.

Healthcare rights, free public education for children and the right to property ownership are being offered to foreign professionals playing a major part in the country’s economy, and reflect somewhat of a change from the government’s previous stance on foreigners. Local analysts are coming up with arguments suggesting the offer is simply a charm offensive aimed at keeping much-needed experts in the emirate and in their jobs.

The new scheme will allow permanent residents with IDs the same treatment as is extended to Qataris as regards public sector education and healthcare. In addition, priority after locals for military, civil and public jobs is to be given, as is the right to own property outright and start certain commercial businesses without the need for a Qatari partner. Expats with ‘special competencies ‘as well as spouses of Qatari women also qualify for the new privileges.

Social media comments made after the offer was released seem to convey less than 100 per cent enthusiasm for the new measures, with some suggesting they seems more of an aspiration than an a actual happening. Others ask whether the privileges can be inherited by their children, stating that not allowing this would give no incentive to stay. However, the idea of rewarding expats with ‘special competencies’ has apparently been on the cards for several years, as have callings for the elimination of the sponsorship and exit permit rules as applied to foreign professionals.
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