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Brit expats in Hong Kong accuse the UK of abandoning the city

Published:  1 Jun at 6 PM
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British expats in Hong Kong are accusing the UK of abandoning the former colony.

Expats still determined to stay in Hong Kong are dismayed at the UK’s attitude towards its former colony. Rather than simply leaving to create another life elsewhere in the world, Brits expats in Hong Kong are dismayed at the UK’s seeming attitude towards China and its ambitions for the city. Although the British government has now offered a path to citizenship for just under three million residents and has condemned China’s stance and recent move, many long-stay expats believe the UK could have done far more.

The issue with the many Brits loyal to the city is that the UK government has failed to act over the past year and previously as regards China’s obvious plans to re-take the former colony against the terms stated at Hong Kong’s handover. British reaction to the pro-democracy movement’s determination to stop the erosion of Hong Kong citizens’ freedom disappointed many expats as well as citizens, and its stance at present is being described as ‘too little, too late’.

One British expat who’s now reluctantly joining in the protests told the media he’d been living a privileged life in the city, enjoying its nightlife, glamour and trappings of wealth. However, he realised during last year’s riots he couldn’t take his human rights as set in tablets of stone and reluctantly took part in the demonstrations. He feels he’s doing what the UK government should have done when China first flexed its muscles as regards freedom in Hong Kong.

As a result, he and his girlfriend are now taking a full part in the protests, getting injured as a result and realising that Hong Kong nationals are losing their businesses and jobs simply because they’re being seen as pro-democracy. Young people in the city are determined to emigrate should China achieve its goal of annexing the island, but expats experienced in China’s colonial attempt are saying it will succeed only if the international community simply lets it happen.
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