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Australian Expats In Japan

If you are looking to connect with Australian expats in Japan, then this page brings together all the latest expat blogs Japan written by Australian bloggers, any interviews, articles and news items we have here at ExpatsBlog.com.

Latest Blogs by Australian Expats Living in Japan

  • prispho
    Moving from a stereotypically laid back island with lots of space to a notoriously hard working island without means a big adjustment period. Read about an Australian expat's life and misadventures in Japan here.
  • Sea Change Okinawa
    Blog about an Australian moving to Okinawa Japan with my partner, child and pets
  • Celia in Tokyo
    'Celia in Tokyo' is a blog about the adventures and insights of a young Australian living and working in Japan.
  • Japan Travel Mate
    Japan blog and Japan travel guide. A Japan guide with comprehensive travel and holiday tips, itineraries, photos of cities and places to go, for anyone who wants to travel to Japan or is already there.
  • Japan Australia
    Japan Australia is a blog about Japan containing useful tips and advice about Japan. It is dedicated to Japan travel, food, cooking, music, fashion and culture. By an Aussie back to Australia recently after living in Japan for 10 years.

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