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New guide reveals the best deals for expat property investment

Published:  31 Oct at 6 PM
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Expats with retirement savings or nest-eggs are constantly searching for the highest returns in their investments, but estimates provided by developers can be unreliable and contradictory.

Property investment is in the genes of most expats due to the history of homes bought for little and sold for much more in their home countries in the West as well as for the success of the buy-to-let property market. However, buying property for profit in an unfamiliar country, especially if the proposed purchase is being sold off-plan, can be fraught with confusion and even risk.

A useful tool is now available via reliable data on expected returns from apartments in 86 different world countries. Offered online by the Global Property Guide, it’s easy to understand as the Guide has number-crunched available statistics on price per square metre and annual gross yields on stated amounts of rent paid.

Using the guide, potential investors in apartments in most countries can compare similar properties across a wide variety of markets. The figures quoted are averages, but can be used to get a clear idea of how property markets are performing right across the globe.

Interestingly, the average yield before tax and maintenance across the 86 countries is 5.46 per cent, meaning that the top 40 country’s yields beat out the average returns on investment. A quick glance at the full list will reveal some shocks: for example, Britain is found at 84th place with a miserly average yield of just 2.09 per cent, along with the millionaire’s haunt of Monaco and the commercial hub of Taiwan.

Obviously, the best yields are had in semi-industrialised countries where apartments are cheap to buy and demand is strong due to expanding expat communities. Argentina, Peru and Costa Rica score well, as do New Zealand, Puerto Rico and Mexico, and the list is headed by tiny Moldova with a stunning 10 per cent yield.
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