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Brexit can be cancelled if enough Brits and expats agree

Published:  31 Jul at 6 PM
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As the Brexit negotiations stumble from pillar to post, France and Germany offer to cancel Britain’s EU divorce if it’s a majority decision.

The two leading EU nations stressed recently the historic relationship between the UK and the EU is in everyone’s best interest, hinting Brexit could become null and void if enough Britons desired such an outcome. At present, any progress seems to be dependent on Britain’s acceptance of a massive divorce payment calculated as more than the originally quoted £50 billion, with leaked documents circulating in the City stating that the government is prepared to pay, however much the final figure is.

Think tank European Policy Centre’s latest report entitled ‘Reality bites – the Brexit negotiations’ makes no bones about Brussels’ frustration over the lack of progress in the negotiations, saying David Davis must be prepared to make huge concessions to secure a deal, thus indicating a ‘soft Brexit’ including continued membership of the single market might still be possible. The EU negotiators have now made it clear they are advising a transitional deal including sticking with the ‘four freedoms', at least in the short term.

Basically, negotiations have stalled due to failure to agree on the fate of EU citizens living in working in the UK, with another leaked document stating Whitehall legal experts have concluded EU law would no longer apply to UK expats living in the EU, leaving them open to legal challenges. In the meantime, the British government has announced March 2019 as the date on which UK-EU freedom of movement will cease, with immigration minister Brandon Lewis promising a new system of movement will be set in place by that date.

The results of an upcoming independent study on the economic role played in the UK by EU expats are due to be published in September 2018, far too late to be of any use in determining the rights of EU citizens already living and working in Britain. It’s believed that over a million expatriate workers are planning to leave the UK by 2020, with academics and employers fearing a Brexit-induced brain drain will result.
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