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Shanghai local government response to virus threat wins expat praise

Published:  31 Jan at 6 PM
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In spite of the world’s press having a field day over the spread of Wuhan’s coronavirus, expats in Shanghai are praising the city government’s and residents’ supportive responses.

Everyday citizens in 13,000 communities along with the Shanghai government, volunteers and expat groups are all working to contain the virus, with all concentrating on grass roots level prevention and aid rather than talking up the danger. Local community workers are giving guidance on disease prevention amongst all the massive city’s ethnic communities, with the result that residents are keeping calm rather than panicking and worsening the situation.

Neighbourhood committees are advising fearful residents and strict prevention measures have been put in place in expat compounds and local areas. In the Ronghua community, the neighbourhood committee and community workers are busy screening local people returning from Chinese New Year trips to Wuhan, quarantined residents are being regularly visited and the community leaders in general are giving out disease prevention information.

Ronghua is one of Shanghai’s largest and earliest expat communities and is home to some 33,000 residents hailing from 50 world countries. Efficient screening has identified and quarantined one Australian family and a Japanese expat who’d recently returned from Wuhan. Daily visits to homes and the delivery of meals and other essentials are all part of the service. Disinfection squads have been working in other communities, and expat volunteers have been recruited to help in the translation of advice, news and reports into many other world languages.

Other measures being taken include the efficient, safe discarding of used masks and adjustments to garbage collection schedules, and suggestions from both local and expatriate residents are being acted upon.
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