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Brit expats dream lives ruined by nightmare neighbours

Published:  30 Oct at 6 PM
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UK expats in Spain feature on UK TV documentary proving bad neighbours can turn heaven into hell.

Nightmare Neighbours Abroad was screened in the UK, featuring three tales of woe in which the expats’ Spanish dreams turned into a daily nightmare due to problems with nasty neighbours. The expats claim their lives in the sun were totally ruined by the attitudes and acts of both expats and locals.

Retirees John and Karen Dobinson chose Spain for their hopefully peaceful retirement, settling in the coastal town of Murcia. Initially, they were on friendly terms with their next-door neighbours, but the relationship hit snags when John decided to convert the shared drive between the two homes as a terrace. A year-long campaign of abuse and harassment began, and hasn’t ended yet, according to the show. The neighbours refused to appear on TV, but sent a statement saying they felt persecuted and their lives had been made difficult.

A British couple who moved to a rural area near Mazarron five years ago, hoping for a quiet life, were appalled when their next door neighbour decided to build a composting plant. In no time, the plant became a dump for rubbish rotting in the hot sun and stinking out the immediate area. It’s so bad, the couple can’t now eat outside and need to keep their windows closed. Lorries arrive regularly with even more rubbish, and it seems there’s no solution to the issue.

The worst experience of all involves passionate animal lover Illona Mitchell. She emigrated to Spain 13 years ago, and set up her home and animal sanctuary high in Grenada’s rural mountains. After she’d purchased the house and land, she realised it was located in the middle of a traditional hunting area. Initially, she agreed to allow hunters to shoot deer and birds, but it wasn’t long before trouble began. with one hunter firing his rifle near the house and startling her horses.

The worst happened when she came home one day and found all her much-loved rescue dogs had been shot and killed. Finally, one of her horses was stabbed in its eye. During the TV show, she said she and her daughter had emigrated in order to live their dream, but it’s now their worst nightmare.
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