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British expats in Spain urged to respond to citizenship survey

Published:  30 Sep at 3 PM
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Brexpats in Spain citizenship survey to be presented to both governments

Britons living in Spain are being urged to take part in a citizenship poll organised by Brexpats in Spain

Co-founder of Brexpats in Spain Anne Hernandez organised the survey after Theresa May’s disappointingly vacuous speech in Florence, and is urging all Brits wishing to stay in the country to participate. The results of the poll will be presented to both the British and Spanish governments, with voters able to access it Brexpats in Spain’s Facebook page. Within its first 12 hours, 174 Britons said they would be happy to have dual nationality, with a further 101 stating they’d accept Spanish citizenship.

Hernandez told the Olive Press May’s speech had made it clear exactly how unimportant British expats in Spain are to the UK government, adding the expat community didn’t seem to count for anything. Recently, dual nationality was awarded to the 4,000 descendents of the country’s expelled Sephardic Jewish community, as well as the survivors of the International Brigade. Hernandez is pleading with the Spanish government to grant its UK expats the same favour, rather than leaving them all in limbo whilst the stalled Brexit negotiations drag on.

Madrid-based Guardian journalist and campaigner Giles Tremlett told reporters a draft dual-nationality law for British expats is due to be presented to parliamentarians in the near future. He believes the only way forward is the argument that, similarly to the Sephardic Jews and International Brigage survivors, UK expats should be seen as a special case. The initiative, he adds, should come from civil society groups representing both Britons and Spaniards.

In addition, Brexpats in Spain is calling for the issue of expats rights in the UK and EU to be considered separately rather than as part of the Brexit negotiations. According to a spokesperson, the entire status quo should be confirmed as applicable to all those resident in EU member states for a significant period of time.

Tags: Brexpats in Spain, British expats in Spain, stalled Brexit negotiations, Theresa May speech, Giles Tremlett, dual nationality, Spanish citizenship, expat rights in UK and EU,
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