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Immigration to deport pregnant Russian partner of Adelaide man

Published:  30 May at 6 PM
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Australian immigration officials have rejected an Adelaide man’s pregnant Russian partner’s visa application, saying pregnancy is not a reason for a visa waiver.

Robert Pitt, 38, met Natasha Zaydenberg, 36, after she arrived in Adelaide to study English in order to improve her skills as the manageress of a restaurant chain in Moscow. Her visa stipulated ‘limited study’ and ‘no further stay’ as a condition of her entry.

Ms Zayderberg is a widow and Mr Pitt is divorced, with two young daughters. The pair fell in love and agreed to live together, with Natasha, now pregnant with her first child, applying for a compassionate extension to her visa. Immigration legislation allows that, in certain compelling circumstances, visa conditions can be waived.

Natasha received a letter saying that pregnancy is not grounds for a waiver, and is now faced with returning to Russia to have her baby. The couple are heartbroken, with Robert saying that their relationship is genuine and that he’s desperate for her to stay, marry him and give birth to their Australian child.

Lawyers for the couple have advised that there are no appeals allowed and that, even if they married immediately, Natasha would still have to return to Russia and begin the immigration procedure for herself and their baby. Robert sees no alternative but to leave with his two children and attempt to get a job in Moscow to support his family.

Given the extended waiting time for visa approvals and the recent hike in financial rules for family support, it may be that the family will be unable to return. Robert’s two daughters adore Natasha and she loves them, according to their father, and the couple can’t understand why they can’t be together.
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