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Disenchanted Americans head for the good life in Belize

Published:  30 Jan at 6 PM
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As American interest in alternatives to continuing living in the USA continues to grow, Belize is increasingly being seen as the perfect expat destination.

The Caribbean island formerly known as British Honduras is becoming even more popular with refugees from an increasingly divided America. Along with all the usual attractions including balmy weather, glorious beaches, marine and terrestrial biodiversity, friendly people and cultural diversity, it also operates an offshore tax and business haven extremely favourable to expat entrepreneurs.

At the recent Live and Invest Overseas conference in the capital, the common theme amongst recently arrived US citizens was the need to take back their lives. Dissatisfaction with American politics and a feeling of disenfranchisement ware the reasons given for the decision to pack up and get out.

One retired gold prospector who’d lived in Alaska said he’d ‘had it’ with the US government, with both the Democrat and Republican parties targets for his ire. He said he was simply fed up with the entire mess and couldn’t wait to leave. Adding that he loved his home country, he said he just couldn’t believe in it any more to the extent he’s considering renouncing his US citizenship.

Many other attendees at the conference felt they needed a life of self-resilience and independence, similar to the social environment they’d grown up with in the USA. A prospective new arrival was selling up everything and telling her son to make his own life after she’d emigrated to Belize. She’s even giving away her cat.

For many expats, the need to find a bolt-hole at a reasonable price was a strong motivation, with one attendee saying he’d bought a tiny house for his daughter whilst bearing in mind it would be fine for both of them when he finally decided to take the plunge. One especially popular destination is the district of Cayo, which seems to attract the more adventurous and imaginative new arrivals.

Unconventional business ideas are common within the community, and include a distillery and a free sewing school for the local girls. A major advantage of Belize is that English is the official language, used in education, the media and government.

Source: Live and Invest Overseas
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