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Settling in Singapore made easy for expats

Published:  29 Aug at 6 PM
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Singapore can be an expat’s dream relocation, but it’s best to get all your settling-in questions answered before you arrive.

The exciting city-state of Singapore can give the experience of a lifetime, but getting everything sorted out immediately after your arrival can be a nightmare for the unprepared. Although its citizens are mostly of Chinese origin, Singapore isn’t part of mainland China and its rules and regulations can be even more confusing.

Unless you’re on a comprehensive relocation package offered by a sympathetic employer, you’re on your own as regards finding accommodation, setting up a bank account and readjusting yourself to a very different lifestyle. It helps to know that, once everything’s sorted, you’ll find life is hassle free and easy.

Due to Singapore’s efficiency, a week is usually long enough for most incomers, with the first priority finding a comfortable place to live. Condo rentals are easily found and are secure once your deposit is paid. Most new arrivals go for condo blocks with pools and gyms, but those on a budget can opt for a public housing HDB flat, slightly short on amenities but long on economy. Singapore’s expat forums are a good place to browse what’s on offer, and property agents are the easy but slightly more expensive option.

Most major international banks have branches in Singapore, and are more than happy to welcome new account holders. However, it’s a good idea to open another account with a local bank, as local ATMs are everywhere and are free to use. Another benefit of local banking is that transfers are easier, although new arrivals needing international transfer facilities should check their chosen bank’s list of available countries as well as average times for transfers.

Getting a Singaporean credit card is the best idea for everyday payments such as bills, and paying off the full amount monthly allows you to take advantage of a selection of perks. All available cards are easily linked to your local bank account, and inter-bank Giro forms are used to set up standing orders. Mobile phone plans are easy to sign up for and use although pre-paid can be cheaper, and Singapore’s several internet service providers offer contracts between six to 24 months’ duration.
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