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Good news for Irish migrants as Supermacs plan Oz branches

Published:  29 Aug at 6 PM
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A taste of home for Irish immigrants in Australia is now on the cards as Ireland’s favourite snack boxes and cheesy chips may soon be available in Sydney and Perth.

Ireland’s most loved fast food outlets are much missed by immigrants to Down Under, but hopefully not for much longer. Supermacs CEO Pat McDonagh is travelling to Australia in two months’ time to investigate the possibility of franchising to Irish migrants in the Bondi Beach and Northbridge districts.

According to McDonagh, there are more Irish wandering around Bondi Junction than are found on an average Saturday night in Galway, and the district is known as a popular destination for new arrivals in the country. Right now, immigration from Ireland to Australia is at boiling point, with the Sydney and Perth Irish communities welcoming newcomers by the score.

Australian government figures estimate the rate of Irish immigration has risen by 30 per cent over the last six years, with McDonagh’s daughter, one of the recent arrivals now working in the marketing sector, checking out the best rental sites for the new venture. The company has shown interest in expanding into Australia for some time, but has held back until the right location could be found.

Teething difficulties at present, says McDonagh, include a decision as to whether imported Irish ingredients or local produce should be used. He adds that Supermacs’ arrival will benefit the Irish community in several ways, as he’s planning to staff his outlets with Irish people, as befits the Oz versions of the most-loved fast food chain in the ‘ould country’.
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