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Brexpats in Spain join together to fight for their rights

Published:  29 Jul at 6 PM
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Tagged: Spain, UK, Euro, England
Out of a small group of concerned UK expats’ Facebook page, a new movement has grown.

The Brexpats in Mijas page, originally set up just three weeks ago by five UK expats living in Spain, resulted in such a huge response that it was almost immediately re-christened Brexpats in Spain. Shortly afterwards, a first meeting was held in a local hotel and soon resulted in standing room only for the crowd of British residents eager to hear the group’s leaders and other speakers.

According to the group’s founders Christine Rowlands and Anne Hernandez, the group is non-political and not-for-profit, with a focus on obtaining advice from specialists on the plight of UK expats living in the country. The pair are aware there’s no certainty as regards the future, but are determined to do all they can to get the word out to expats across Spain.

In the short time since the Facebook page went up, membership has grown to an impressive 1400, making encouraging even more people across the country to join and have their voices heard a priority. Setting up satellite branches in other Spanish regions is on the cards, and a more formal meeting will be held to include specialist speakers who can attempt to answer the concerns of the British community.

The mayor of Mijas, Juan Carlos Maldonado, is a strong supporter of the group and its aims, saying at the initial meeting that the expat community is crucial to the district’s well-being and dedicating himself to supporting their rights. He added that he is willing to help the expat community become even closer to Spanish society by ensuring everyone is correctly registered in order that their interests can be protected.

British Consulate representative Dominic Jackson admitted that nothing as yet is set in stone, reminding the group that the British government had said it would note the concerns, wishes and needs of expats living in Europe. Legal advisors also attended the meeting, and the officials involved assured the group they would keep all its members fully aware of further developments.
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