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Myanmar to publish expat census in March

Published:  29 Jan at 9 AM
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Myanmar is due to release a census of the number of citizens living abroad in March, announced the Ministry of Immigration and Population’s Myint Kyaing.

Kyaing, the director-general of the ministry’s Population Department, revealed that they had completed the census in Myanmar and were now carrying out a study on the number of citizens living outside the country. He added that after that was finished, they would do a census on the areas they had not covered including Kayin, Rakhine and Kachin states.

Immigration and Population union minister Khin Yi said in August that the initial figures indicated the population had surpassed 51.4 million.

However, analysts have asked the question as to why the country had nine million fewer people than it did when the referendum for the 2008 Constitution took place. They have said the exact number should be released as it was vital for the upcoming elections, which are scheduled to hold in November.

The census data will be published in May, with the initial results stating that the population was at 51,419,420 – including government employees of embassies abroad.
Meanwhile, the Immigration and Population Ministry has said that it believed there were around four million migrant workers outside the country as well as a number of students.
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