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Pornographic beachside sculptures enrage Brit expats on Costa Blanca

Published:  28 Nov at 6 PM
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Tagged: Spain, USA, South Africa
As if the Costa Crime Wave isn’t enough, expat families on Spain’s Costa Blanca now have pornographic metal artworks backing the beach.

British expats in Alicante’s popular Altea town are in a state of shock/horror and have been rushing to complain to their local authority about a new feature backing a favourite family-oriental beach in the popular city. The sexually-graphic sculptures appeared almost overnight and started a riot amongst expats and tourists alike. X-rated sex including threesomes was the main theme of the display, and the installation is being slated as totally unsuitable for a family destination.

One elderly British expat told local media he wasn’t risking taking his grandchildren to the beach, as the pornographic elements are far too obvious to be missed, and one British tourist said it wasn’t obvious in general as regards who’s doing what to whom, adding that some are simply pornographic. However, not everyone took the display at its face value, with one older, female expat saying she’d learnt a thing or two by examining the artworks and added she rather liked them as they encouraged her to keep an open mind.

It seems Altea Town Hall commissioned the statues and paid the artist to put on the display, although no-one seems to know how much the sculptor received. The beach sees many thousands of visitors in the summer season, and expatriate residents enjoy walking there in the cooler weather. At the very least, the display could well take expats’ minds off the increasing Mafia-style gang violence elsewhere along Spain’s popular Mediterranean coastline.
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