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Study shows France offers best healthcare in world for expats

Published:  28 Jul at 6 PM
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The French healthcare system, highly regarded for decades, has recently received a further boost to its reputation.

The Annual Global Retirement Index survey undertaken for International Living Magazine has rated France’s healthcare the best in the world for expat retirees. Out of 100 possible points, the Gallic system rated 97, and was even described as inexpensive.

Beating out Uruguay in second place and Malaysia in third, France’s benefits were rated as excellent. The state pays the bulk of charges for medical services as well as for visits to the doctor, prescription medications and stays in hospital. General conditions are covered at up to 70 per cent and life-threatening illnesses up to 100 per cent.

In addition, the results of the survey mentioned that many French medical professionals in major cities speak English, an important consideration for elderly expats. In brief, France was considered the best of the rest, including the UK with its creaking, underfunded National Health Service.

The not-so-good news is that a recent government survey may not agree with the study, as it revealed that, given that 8.3 per cent of GDP is thrown at its health service, standards should be even higher. France is the third-most generous spender on health in the entire EU, set behind Denmark and Finland, both of which boast far superior, less expensive services.

According to the government report, there is room to improve both standards and efficiency, especially in the field of out-patient care. Value for money could also be improved by tightening coordination between all healthcare sectors, it added.
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