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British expats hold dawn protest in Magaluf over prostitutes and violent crime

Published:  28 May at 6 PM
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Tagged: USA, Citizenship, Germany
British expat businesses in Magaluf along with other concerned citizens protested at dawn against the increasing number of prostitutes in the holiday resort.

The organisers of the dawn protest in the town’s infamous Punta Ballena strip claim prostitutes in the town are fronting for scams, robberies and other criminal activities, and their pimps are being accused of violently attacking seemingly wealthy holidaymakers in the popular destination. Tourists joined in the protest, supporting the accusations of scanned credit cards and stolen valuables and alleging that one attack involved a group of prostitutes using tasers to stun their prey before robbing them. One German visitor is believed to have had his €4,000 gold chain torn from his neck.

The demonstration took place in the early hours after having been approved by local police, and tourists still in the district joined in whilst filming the event on their mobile phones. One group followed a Nigerian prostitute through the district, shouting ‘you’re not welcome here’, and a trader told reporters everyone’s sick to death of groups of undesirables damaging local businesses season after season.

Prior to the protest, local police had launched a campaign against clubs acting as concealed brothels, closing down at least six following a series of raids spurred by residents’ and business peoples’ complaints about increased crime and nocturnal noise. According to a Civil Guard officer, the protest began around 04.30 a.m. and lasted for around two and half hours. No violence was reported and no arrests were made, but the protest group is planning to continue its activities throughout the summer season.
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