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Hi tech expat professionals live luxury life in India

Published:  28 Apr at 6 PM
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Tagged: India, Travel Abroad
As the trend of hiring hi-tech expat experts ramps up in India, are their skills and the resultant high salaries making them the new Maharajas?

For several years, expat hiring in Indian companies has been on the rise in order to fill knowledge gaps in the local workforce. The technology sector in particular is seeing a huge increase in the numbers of expat workers, with some imported from companies’ headquarters overseas and others arriving via recruitment agencies.

Expertise from the West helps cover local skill gaps in various industrial segments as well as in business start-ups, mostly in the technology sector. Figures for 2015 indicate 30 to 35,000 expat workers in total now sharing their expertise with their Indian counterparts and helping to revive the country’s economy. The number is expected to rise by another 10 to 15 per cent each year.

According to a recent HSBC survey of expats in India, the main problems facing new expat arrivals are heat, dirt and a lack of half-way decent cheese in the stores. On the positive side, perks such as the low cost of living, travel opportunities and the ease of raising a family more than make up for any gripes.

International schools abound, and the essential provision of top-class heathcare and hospitals attracts professionals from overseas as much as does the chance to earn a salary far in excess of everyday needs. The thought of affordable live-in home help and childcare encourages interest from expat family members, and the rich, colourful Indian culture ensures no-one’s bored in their new country.

It’s the norm for highly-paid expat executives to employ a driver, gardener and even dog trainers for the family pets. Such easily available luxury has led to Western employees being tagged as the ‘new Maharajas’ after the ultra-wealthy traditional rulers of India’s many states. Whilst the comparison isn’t exactly accurate, it’s a sign that life as an expat in India can be the best option for professionals looking for a luxury escape from the home country.
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