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Brit expats upholding treasured traditions in Spain

Published:  27 Feb at 6 PM
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Tagged: Spain, USA, UK, Euro, England
Ever since Britain ruled the waves as well as a good number of now independent world countries, the traditional British way of life has survived in expat communities from Spain to wildest Asia and beyond.

It’s a well-known fact that Spain is the all-time favourite destination for the majority of would-be expat Brits wanting a warm, friendly, less expensive retirement destination, with more than 365,000 settled comfortably in its southern regions as well as in the Balearic Islands. Expat communities in the Costas and the islands are supportive, large and welcoming as well as offering traditional British customs and activities much-loved back in the home country and much-missed in Spain.

The morning ritual of the full English breakfast is enjoyed by British expats all over Europe, with Spain no exception. Usually consisting of fried eggs, bacon, sausage, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms and fried bread and served with a cup of tea, it’s unhealthy but it’s British from start to finish, even if orange juice is substituted for hot tea. The only problem is getting the right kind of bacon as the Spanish version is invariably streaky.

Another example of Britishness is the expat community’s love of the traditional game of Bingo, now best celebrated at Benidorm’s Bingo Plaza along with a large crowd of Brit expats. This being the tech age, it’s also possible to play online, but the real thing is easily available wherever there’s a British expat community. Another much-loved traditional British hobby is gardening, especially taking into consideration Spain’s sunny weather. The clay soil covering most of Spain is similar to that in the UK, but gets far warmer and supports more plant growth. Gardening is also great for emotional and physical health, especially for British retirees with loads of time on their hands.
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