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Expats fight to save Albox homes in Spain

Published:  27 Feb at 9 AM
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Tagged: Property Abroad
A British couple have vowed to continue fighting, despite having lost their appeal against their Spanish home being demolished.

The house in Albox, Andalucía, is amongst of a group that were served with demolition orders earlier this year. The couple, who wish to remain anonymous for now, built the house in 2002 and believed they had planning permission at the time from the local council as well as all the necessary paperwork, reports the Telegraph

They were first issued with a demolition order in late 2009. Gerardo Manuel Vazquez, the couple's lawyer, has called the real estate and planning system in the area "absurd".

He said that his clients bought into the Spanish dream, which instead turned into a nightmare. He added that there are many other British couples in Albox who face a similar predicament, some of who are in an even worse situation with regard the final judgment against their homes.

Vazquez added that it’s obvious that changes are required to the law are obviously required, which he believes must go further than the “mere tinkering” that has taken place recently. There are currently over 12,000 “illegal” properties in Almanzora and some people claim up to 300,000 across the region of Andalucia. Many local expats have described the property market in the area to a "minefield".
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