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Spate of violent burglaries hits Cost del Sol expat communities

Published:  26 Dec at 6 PM
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Tagged: Euro
A gang of burglars are hitting expats homes during the festive season, using gas to knock out householders before stealing valuable possessions and Christmas gifts.

According to the Olive Press, a number of expats living in the Costa del Sol region have been targeted by a gang of thieves using gas to disable homeowners before making off with valuables including Christmas presents. Police are especially concerned as the use of gas is dangerous, especially for young children.

One unlucky couple, Keryn Rees Davies and her husband, told their story to the local press, with Karen adding she’d been very sick due to the effects of the gas. When the thieves broke in, they trod on the family cat and woke up Karen’s husband, but the affects of the gas were such that he didn’t even realise a break-in was ongoing.

When Karen woke up, she felt so weak it took her three attempts to get out of bed and around four hours to notice they’ve been burgled. Subsequently, both felt sick for several days, with Karen throwing up all the next day and still having chest pains for days afterwards. The thieves took a laptop, a pair of Gucci sunglasses and an iPod in a sweep netting around 1,500 euros worth of valuable possessions.

Karen told the press there had been at least three other break-ins in her street during the past two weeks. Local police are still investigation the burglaries, including that at the home of another British victim, whose Christmas was ruined due to the thieves.

The gang broke into her home in Duquesa and stole all the Christmas present she’d bought for her children, leaving her unable to replace them as her insurance cannot be paid out in time. Local police suspect the gang are Eastern Europeans, and are stressing the need for alertness amongst the expat community due to the dangers to health posed by the thieves' use of gas.
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