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Cost of living for expats in Nairobi on the rise

Published:  26 Dec at 12 PM
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Tagged: Exchange Rates
The cost of living for expats in the Kenyan capital Nairobi has increased over the past 12 months, largely due to a hike in consumer goods prices.

The survey, published by service provider for staff assignments abroad ECA International, listed Nairobi as the 24th most expensive city to live in Africa and 177th worldwide. Last year’s survey ranked the city 25th and 183rd most expensive respectively.

The surveys by ECA are intended to help companies work out the cost of living in different countries so they can decide on allowances when sending staff on international assignments. It compares the cost of consumer services and goods regularly purchased by expats in 440 locations globally.

The organisation explained that the main things that affect cost of living were inflation, exchange rates and availability of goods, which it said could have a considerable impact on remuneration packages for workers.

The most expensive city for expats in Africa is Luanda, the Angolan capital, which is also the second most expensive globally. The South Sudan capital, Juba, and the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Kinshasa are second and third on the continent and ninth and 13th respectively worldwide.
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