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Pope speaks out on World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Published: | 26 Sep at 6 PM |
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On Tuesday’s Migrants and Refugees Day, the Catholic Church’s newly-appointed Pope Francis urged world countries to welcome both migrants and refugees rather than treating them as ‘pawns on the chessboard of humanity’.
His message stressed that all host countries should encourage a change of attitude to incomers, whatever their situation, and especially towards refugees fleeing their homes in these troubled times. Men, women and children, he said, leave their country of birth for many reasons, including escaping persecution and death, and all share a legitimate desire to be more than they could if they had stayed.
Importantly, he repeated his total condemnation of human trafficking and slave labour, the increase of which, he believes, is part of a growing ‘throwaway culture’. The term denounces the modern trend to dismiss non-productive people, including the elderly, who are neglected and cast away like objects no longer wanted.
Pope Francis has also noted that, across the Western world, immigration is a divisive issue, with far-right anti-immigrant parties seeing a considerable increase in both active supporters and potential voters. In Italy, the country’s first black minister, Cecile Kyenge, has been the victim of racist comments for her support of automatic citizenship for immigrant children born in the country.
In the UK, the anti-immigrant UKIP Party is gaining ground due to its policies, and top Conservative Lord Tebbit has spoken out against immigrants he believes have no intention of integrating. In the USA, much-needed immigration reform, has stalled in the House, and Australia’s refusal to allow legitimate refugees the sanctuary they need is dividing the nation.
Pope Francis believes that defensiveness and fear of migrants must be replaced by a culture of encounter and integration. Only then, he said, will the throwaway culture be defeated and replaced with a fair, just world.
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