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Best dog friendly beaches in Southern Spain

Published:  26 Jul at 6 PM
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Wherever there are expats, there are family dogs who like nothing better than to have fun with their owners.

Many British expats in Spain will have brought their doggy best friends with them when they emigrated, with others adopting a dog from a local refuge once they’re settled in. As long as we’ve inhabited the planet, dogs have been there for us, sharing our lives and being part of the human family. Like us, most dogs adore a day on the beach, although a good few of Spain’s beaches still don’t welcome them, but more and more beaches are now opening up to man’s best friend.

Andalusia is a favourite with expats from the UK and has recently opened the Almeria region’s very first dog-friendly beach, La Playa de la Rana. For the past two years, the 350-metre long strand has welcomed dogs and their owners to its sparkling waters set just outside the urban heart of the city. Rules are few but sensible, including vaccination, not being fed on the sands and being accompanied by an adult who’ll need to bring a pooper-scooper and a bag to clean up if necessary.

Dark sand and gravel Playa el Cable beach lies in Motril, Granada and isn’t popular with swimmers, but it’s perfect for dogs and their owners needing fresh air and exercise. There’s a 400 metre stretch reserved for dogs, with owners urged to stay aware if their dogs have nervous or aggressive tendencies. Using a leash or muzzle if necessary is also required. Malaga’s Playa el Castillo is, as its name suggests, close by Sohail Castle and boasts a long 800 metre sandy beach on which owners and their doggy best friends are welcome’ There are seven more dog-friendly beaches in Malaga, including Playa Canina de Torre del Mar, with its 4,000 square metres considered the best dog-friendly beach in the entire region.

This summer, the only dog friendly beach in Huelva is Playa del Espigon, an absolute paradise for dogs and their owners alike. It’s set in the Marismas del Odiel nature reserve, with its 2,500 square metres a day-trip refuge from the hustle and bustle of the city. There are no restrictions as regards times or seasons, and the beach is the perfect place to unwind and spend quality time with family, friends and your canine best friend.
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