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Tech advances help UK expat lifestyle

Published:  26 Apr at 6 PM
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Tagged: UK, England
As reported by Easier, advances in technology are helping British expats deal with home sickness. As the capacity to keep in contact with friends and family gets easier, expatriates have been settling into their new homes more quickly, says the NatWest International Personal Banking Quality of Life Index.

The Quality of Life report, in collaboration with the Centre of Future Studies, says that the things expatriates miss the most about Britain have changed during the past five years. Once at the top of the list was ‘missing family and friends', but this is not a key issue today, as this number has fallen by 44%.

One reason for this may be the internet, which is vitally changing the way expats live their lives overseas. The top web tools for expatriates are Skype, webmail, Picasa, YouTube, Google documents, Facebook and Twitter—which are all bringing family ties online, as expats can talk to their nearest and dearest in real time. Now, there is no need to skip out on a family gathering again.

Factors such as longing for British culture and the UK countryside have left the ‘miss' list during the past five years, says the report, which incorporates expatriates’ real life experiences and measures their personal assessment with their circumstances overseas.

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