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Gibraltar introduces new laws to deal with a coronavirus outbreak

Published:  26 Feb at 6 PM
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Gibraltar has introduced a new law forcing arrivals from coronavirus-infected areas to report to the local health authority.

Although the threat to the Rock, its residents and its expats is considered low, the local health authority isn’t taking any chances as regards letting the virus in. The legal duty to report is just one of the recently-introduced measures aimed at keeping Gibraltar virus-free. Self-isolation is also mandatory, even although no-one has as yet tested positive for the illness. The new reporting law takes effect for travellers and expat residents who’ve visited an at-risk country within two weeks of their arrival on the Rock.

In addition, travellers at present in at-risk locations are being urged to contact the Gibraltarian authorities via email, using coronavirus@gya.gi and the subject line ‘self-isolation’. Public health officials will reply with advice on the most effective ways to protect both themselves and others with whom they may come in contact. At the same time, Gibraltar’s Civil Contingency Council is examining the most effective ways to halt the spread of the virus should one case be confirmed.

A simulation exercise was held last week, during which a ‘patient’ was transferred to the local hospital, with the same drill due to take place again this week in order to ensure health workers are thoroughly prepared should an outbreak ensue. The health authority is urging all residents and expats to wash their hands regularly, as it’s one of the most effective ways to destroy the virus and a government website has now been set up and in order to provide updated information to concerned expats and citizens alike.
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