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Famous Fuengirola expat owned oyster bar forced to close for roadworks

Published:  25 Oct at 6 PM
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Former chef to the stars Larry O’Rourke’s oyster bar and restaurant is likely to be forced to close due to local government road works slated to take until December to complete.

The famous Irish expat, formerly the private chef for Irish traditional dancer Michael Flatley, was devastated when he arrived at his premises to find a local crew had dug up the road outside, denying him access to his premises. Distress turned to fury when he discovered an unaddressed letter warning him of the work had been put in his letter box the same morning. Workers digging the huge hole told him the 28-day working period stated for the work was only half of the time required to complete the repairs.

Speaking with reporters from local English language newspaper Olive Press, a stressed-out Larry said there was no way he could serve his clients at any time during the two-month period. October is one of Larry’s busiest months due to an influx of golfers into the well-known Costa del Sol resort, with bookings taking place days in advance. That morning, he couldn’t even get into his restaurant to salvage the produce set out for the day’s menu.

One week after he’d lost access to his property and following his lawyer’s complaint of projected losses of around €10,000 from cancelled bookings, the local town hall finally arranged for a path allowing entry to the premises. It’s not the first time the popular expat restaurant owner has had problems with local bureaucracy, with Larry forced to fight over music rights for some years.

He’s attended court accused of allowing over-loud music on at least 10 occasions, whilst local Spanish bars nearby have been allowed to continue doing exactly the same thing. Last year he invested some 20,000 euros in renovations, leaving him low on ready cash and worried this latest issue will force him to close. When asked by reporters, a local authority representative said the roadworks were a cosmetic upgrade for the street.
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