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Expat knitting group kicked out of Fuengirola restaurant

Published:  24 Dec at 9 AM
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A group of kind-hearted expats were told to leave a restaurant in Fuengirola because of the knitting circle they were sitting in just hours before they were set to donate a large amount of clothing to an orphanage in Malaga.

The group in question, Knit and Natter, were found by grumpy managers at Fuengilora’s Carihuela Chica restaurant as being too disruptive to continue their work while others dined.

However, the women’s well-natured work was only momentarily put on hold as the owners of ice cream parlour Gelato y Mare saw them standing on the street and offered them the chance to continue at his eatery.

The group’s fpunder, Freya Aldridge, described the morning as “horrible”, explaining that everything was put in place and ready to go but they got thrown out. Another knitter, Jean Owen, described the situation as “outrageous”, insisting the bosses knew their plan was to donate the clothes so what they did was awful.

Carihuela Chica staff have declined to comment.
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