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Abu Dhabi seeks expats for community police jobs

Published:  24 Oct at 6 PM
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Tagged: UK, England
Abu Dhabi’s 500-strong team of community police is about to be augmented by expatriates helping to keep the neighbourhood peaceful and crime-free.

According to local media, police authorities in the emirate’s capital are planning to recruit a greater number of expats to serve in their community police teams. Head of the community police division of Abu Dhabi Police Lt Colonel Mubarak bin Muhairom told reporters he was looking to expand the already significant numbers of ethnic nationalities on his team.

He added that more expat community police officers would complement the experienced police personnel already recruited from Singapore and the UK. The community police force represents many nationalities and works in the front line due to its officers' understanding of the diverse cultures in Abu Dhabi’s expat communities.

Community officers, he said, are a vital link between the communities and the regular police officers, playing an important role in making the emirate a safe, crime-free place for all expat workers. Community policing, he believes, builds trust, strengthens communities and improves the relationship between regular police and expat residents.

There is no information as yet as to how many extra community officers will be sought, nor of when the expansion of the service will begin or what qualifications will be necessary for applicants. However, the presence of more expat police with their yellow jackets and red and white three-wheeled scooters can’t help but reassure those concerned over personal safety.
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