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Strange deaths of two expats in the Land of Smiles

Published:  24 Jul at 6 PM
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Tagged: Australia, Thailand
Over the years, the popular expat destination of Thailand has been somewhat unfairly categorised either as a massive rest home for senile Western retirees or a haven for elderly sexpats, but recent reports suggest a resemblance to la-la land on steroids.

Every year, dozens of expats meet their end via supposed suicide in the Land of Smiles, with leaping from balconies an all-time favourite, but few have done so as spectacularly as may the two reported this week. One English language article described the gruesome end of an unnamed, elderly expatriate, whose body – or at least part of it – was found last Saturday in Bangkok.

The legless torso showed stab wounds to its stomach, head and back as well as a black eye, and one thigh was spotted floating in a nearby klong by a member of the city’s famously sharp-eyed boys in blue, Even given the evidence and believe it or not, the local cops aren’t ruling out suicide, with the police commissioner suggesting - hopefully sarcastically - suicide by boat propeller, which doesn’t quite explain the black eye. It’s not certain as yet whether the other leg has been recovered.

Overall, it was a bad week for missing expats, as another older Australian who’d not been seen since the end of May was found in a Mae Hong Son forest, or at least his bones plus his skull were found scattered all over a clearing in the trees. Hanging from a nearby branch was a black bag containing a mobile phone and a passport belonging to the missing Aussie Philip Keith Watson. Readers are waiting with bated breath for the DNA results.

Again, provincial police reported they weren’t sure whether he’d committed suicide or had simply slipped and fallen, and no-one’s speculating as to which four legged denizen of the forest had lunched on the various body parts, making a seriously good job of it as the bones seemed to have been stripped clean and were shown as being as black as night. Oddly, according to police photos, the skull had been left unspoiled.
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